i've long thought of myself as an escape artist. in that i find all manner of creative ways to escape the shadow side of my life experience by traveling through time or running away to fantasy lands & alternate worlds, so i've had a few rough days recently with my mood & migraine issues, not to mention the threat of a possible ww3/apocalyptic future looming.. i thought what better way to cope now that i'm able to get direct video captures from my game consoles, than to go back to my very favorite games of all time & tape time capsules of sorts to keep & remember these treasures always.. so each day i've added an hour or 2 or 3 of youtubes to my channel gaming playlist for any other gamers out there watching, or even if you aren't into gaming, these worlds are very cool to check out..
i'm devoting a post to each game on weekends over at my lost & found toy blog, starting with friday's here: american mcgee's alice madness returns
my favorite game of all time? i played this one with my own sweet cheshire cat, snug, by my side.. followed by the great from software game: bloodborne
(my character shown above, my background is again that of a troubled childhood ;) & then a look back at old elder scrolls: oblivion & morrowind
i lived here as a vampire way back before such a thing was even popular.. next weekend will be more like this & i'll update with links here..
flashback friday favorite: fable
fallout meets gumbyland (my robots)
our backyard robin family are doing fine as well as our backyard wild boy kitties, roses are growing now on my back deck & pinecones & cherry blossom petals comingle with maple leaves & needles there as alice & i bird & squirrelwatch in the fresh air.. we're trying to think of somewhere to take a drive on tuesday when it's not terribly peoply about? & the sasquatch is planning to climb to the top of beacon rock with one of his old friends (who happens to be an emt thankfully!) it's on his bucket list & he'll take the gopro with him for the adventure..
as i've mentioned before my middle name is joy, & i do try to look for the joys in life in every way i can.. but unfortunately at times i think my parents should've chosen ed as my midde name instead, as in existential dread? it's a constant struggle between the light & darkness in this infj ghost life of mine..
well, here are some more lyrics from the smile & i'll follow up with comments as usual later on..
wall of eyes
down a peg or two you'll go
behind a wall of eyes
of your own device
is that still you
with the hollow eyes?
change to black & white
strap yourself in..
(the trains don't go there..)
let us raise our glasses
to what we don't deserve
what we're not worthy of
so rich & wide
to the grains of sand
slipping through our hands..
(the trains don't go there..)
is that still you
with the hollow eyes?
change to black & white
so strap yourself in..
we took a little drive today venturing into our lovely big backyard, the gorge, up through the larch mountain corridor (where we once spotted bigfoot!)
seen in our halloween album here: (sound up!) http://brensgumbyland.com/ghostgalleryhalloweenalbum.html
a beautiful cool sunny day, i find i am much more comfortable surrounded by trees than by people..
where are you taking me?
actually sasq wanted some basalt chunks for his ongoing backyard landscaping project..
i woke up with a feeling..
this is the end of the trip..
definitely have your sound up for these unlisted youtube shorts.. ;) & i've found you have to click on the little gear below the youtubes to choose the highest quality playback to see these in HD or the quality is poor..
Posted by: ghost | April 16, 2024 at 02:54 PM
they're hatching!
posting more of my all time favorite videogames at the toy blog this weekend :)
lyrics for the day from the smile:
read the room
& when the time is right
& when the end has come
maybe you can't maybe you can't be arsed
for half a million
that's your opinion
that's how your story goes
a magic rain a magic rainbow
so big it bends the light
you know it takes away
it takes the fun out
maybe i can't maybe i can't be arsed
this crashing currency
these kind of phonecalls
these candy aerosols
these massive e these massive egos
so big they bend the light
who knows what it wants from me?
this goes where it wants to be
honey for the honeybee
i am gonna count to 3
keep this shit away from me
maybe you should read the room?
what on earth
come on honey read the room
'come on out, come on out, we know you're in there!'
Posted by: ghost | April 19, 2024 at 10:33 AM
our robin family: https://youtu.be/akRTq96rGeo
now who among us has not longed for a glow-in-the-dark bat crossbody bag?
more lyrics of the day from the smile:
i quit
i quit
my head is lit
a piece of me
this is my stop
this is the end of the trip
& brotherhood
& brotherhood
wild ghosts
wild feelings
leaning windmills
a dead drop
this is the end of the trip
a new path
out of the madness
to wherever it goes
to wherever it lies
to wherever it goes..
Posted by: ghost | April 22, 2024 at 11:29 AM
fluffy babies..
Posted by: ghost | April 24, 2024 at 10:52 AM
happy mayday! so i posted a special mayday post at the lost & found about our sweet little backyard robins :D https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/lost_found_vintage_toys/2024/05/happy-mayday.html
alice helped.. <3
it's an old irish tradition to place freshly picked flowers at the frontdoor threshold on mayday to keep away bad luck & evil spirits ;) my own childhood memories of mayday are similar, my great grandma & rolemodel, barbre, use to make cute little may baskets & fill them with fresh flowers, some candy & loose change & leave them out under the frontdoor threshold for us kids to find first thing in the morning.. i don't remember other kids having this cool event!
well, i have my ups & downs moodwise, but have at least been enjoying venturing back into fallout 4 for youtube captures of all my old settlements & quests there..
i have to say, i keep getting these little reminders of my old friend emma who use to chat with me here in the comments back in the old days of this ghost blog ;) i miss you, em..
Posted by: ghost | May 01, 2024 at 11:21 AM
may the 4th be with you
free comic book day
& alice liddell's bday!!
weirdest convergence ever???
posts accordingly all weekend at the lost & found: https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/lost_found_vintage_toys/2024/05/fcbd-2024.html
Posted by: ghost | May 04, 2024 at 08:22 PM
pizza pizza! https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/photos/the_lost_album/pizza-pizza.html
so i'm having too much fun decorating for halfoween & posting accordingly all week at the lost & found..
(some of us cannot wait allllll that way till october to celebrate!)
my domestic side is like dark martha stewart!
Posted by: ghost | May 06, 2024 at 03:40 PM
our robin family fledglings have all left the nest & it's a cool sunny day, oliver is feeling at home now here having gotten through the cold winter using our shelters & he's a handsome grown up young man now, freddy's leaving him alone ;)
i have my ups & downs but have remained relatively sane, often thanks to my fallout 4 world where i've incorporated a bunch of cool fun new content including new homes & more!! so i'm updating the above post with 1 or 3 more youtube links accordingly..
i still post weekends at my lost & found toy blog so any other bored vintage kids should come over & check it out! :D
happy weekend, everybody!
Posted by: ghost | May 17, 2024 at 05:42 PM
so i'm still lost in my post-apocalyptic wasteland where ironically i feel less traumatized than in the 'real' world.. did i mention the neighbor's very tall maple tree limb crashed over just outside my vampire suite window? thankfully it missed our fence & house & trees & instead knocked down our nextdoor neighbors' fence & filled their backyard until a crew came & cut it all up.. they're still dealing with it, hey sorry, but glad it's one less problem for us to deal with as our own are all we can cope with anymore with our various aches & pains & worries.. (update: now they're out there trying to cut down limbs, making me Very nervous, don't hit our pine tree & fence, please?) it's always the dissiduous trees that fall.. hey, while watching i noticed another pretty little blue egg in our robins' nest :D
anyway i updated the post with another youtube.. i'm sure i'll add more before i move on to another fantasy gameworld..
alice has a little raccoon friend that comes to see her beside me at my open french doors, exciting!
also jeb (sasq's old friend) gave a talk at the smithsonian recently & sent a cool pic from central park of this wonderful alice in wonderland statue there!
we're taking a little drive tomorrow before it gets too hot out, to tend to a grave, to take a few pix, to maybe gather some stones..
leaving you with lyrics of the day from the smile:
the same
you don't need to fight
look towards the light
grab at it with both hands
what you know is right
somebody's falling down
somebody's telling lies
simple ass motherfuckers
one mistake after another
people in the streets
people in the streets
somebody's hearing voices
somebody's going down down down
going down going down going down
people in the streets
we all want the same
we are all the same
we all want the same
we are all the same
we all want the same..
today's lost & found toy post: https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/lost_found_vintage_toys/2024/05/toyroom-tuesday.html
Posted by: ghost | May 28, 2024 at 09:45 AM
3 new blue eggs in the robins' nest :D https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/photos/the_lost_album/end-of-may-2024-3-eggs.html
it's been a long time since we've had a cemetery adventure, i've photo'd every old cemetery for a hundred miles before i finally wrapped up my cemeteria album: http://brensgumbyland.com/ghostgallerycemeteriaalbum.html (sound up for nick drake here!)
anyway we had another one yesterday trying to find sasquatch's sister in the big beautiful lincoln memorial cemetery here in portland, we haven't been to her grave in many years & some of the trees have been lost to storms over time, throwing us off, so after half an hour of searching even with a numbered page from the cemetery office i was so glad to finally locate her for him <3 she died tragically young at the age of 17 & was only a year older than him..
we then drove all through old portland neighborhoods as i got photos & video of points of interest.. i've missed being in town with my ocd avoidance, but just driving through old familiar streets of shops & homes we use to regularly travel, seeing all the multifaceted portlanders & street art, reminded me of why i call portland my home, why i love it so, it helped me feel more normal, like my version of socializing, safely encapsulated in the bigfootmobile with my mask in pocket handy.. lol
keep portland weird!! <3
law & order motherfuckers!!!!!!!!
p.s. can i just say, i wish we could have seen a conversation between molly jong-fast & (the late) gilbert gottfried.. ;) <3
Posted by: ghost | May 30, 2024 at 02:06 PM
ok sad news, we had 3 beautiful blue eggs in the robin nest & then i went in to peek at the nest yesterday & the eggs are gone! :o oh no!! no damage to the nest, no signs of eggshells below, since this nest is in such a secure spot behind an old satellite dish under the roof eave out of reach of raccoons etc, we believe it was other birds? perhaps our big blue stellers jays that run our yards? the robin parents have been out on my deck, seemingly guarding & running off other birds.. this is very sad, but i remind myself their last clutch all fledged beautifully as our youtubes show, & they will surely use the nest for more babies, perhaps guarding it more fiercely this time? :(
oliver, our handsome backyard wild tabby boy, was sitting in the sunshine out in our driveway this morning smiling, waiting for his breakfast.. white roses are blooming right outside my window.. grass is growing.. is it summer now?
i've been doing better for awhile, then last night what i think must've been a perfect storm of ibs, post men insanity & physical exertion resulted in a night right out of years past where i felt like i couldn't get oxygen, low bp, drowsy & lightheaded, feeling like i'd pass out, resulting in an anxiety attack. very discouraging to feel like i went back in time that way, what'd i do? not fun. taking it super careful today..
so over at the lost & found toy blog i've been posting my mysterious plushie dreadful emotional support toys, & today i shared a knockoff i found on amazon, not official, seems like this one's been through alot, bloody & scarred.. (secretly i think of this one as my si bunny.. since i don't imagine even american mcgee will create such a creature?)
when they make comfort plush toys for all your ailments, needless to say my closet is full.. no anorexia one? not plush enough? agoraphobia, addiction/alcoholism?
together with my closet skeletons & crying monster, strange kitties.. doll chest, sock drawer.. these things are comforting to me..
Posted by: ghost | June 01, 2024 at 09:54 AM
today i tucked fallout 4 away again now that i've helped all the settlers i can & brought kitties to them wherever possible ;) (in memory of maisie) https://youtu.be/1UuQaBletb8
but not before i captured a bunch of shorter videos around the wasteland using my camera so i could share the fun music i'm always listening to there:
& i did an antifashion show fallout 4 edition too! https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/lost_found_vintage_toys/2024/06/fallout-4-friday-antifashion-edition.html
& did i mention i can create my own robots there too? because i did: https://youtu.be/pV8qp57FmPs
on to elden ring dlc: the shadow of the erdtree, where i helped raven achieve combatant supreme by letting him kill me over & over in the new colosseums there! because that's a mother's love? lol
note: we both have long hair now, because we have been there for awhile ;)
so i'm now officially married to a senior: https://friendlyghost.typepad.com/lost_found_vintage_toys/2024/06/happy-birthday-mr-dad.html
summer arrived with the big strawberry solstice moon & 90s just to send me into migraine ibs fun..
(i hate summer. sorry, not sorry.)
my sister caren wound up her rv vacation around yosemite, nevada, colorado, oklahoma, etc by stopping by the old ravenwood cemetery where our grandmas & other family are buried to finally lay to rest my sister cathy's ashes <3
mr dad had to take a paycut which worries us as we feel older & less secure about the future, but my lyrics of the day represent my philosophy, thanks to bing crosby:
you've got to accentuate the positive
eliminate the negative
latch on the the affirmative
don't mess with mr in-between
you gotta spread joy
up to the maximum
bring gloom down to the minimum
have faith or pandemonium's liable to walk upon the scene
to illustrate my last remark
jonah in the whale, noah in the ark
what did they do just when everything looked so dark?
man, you gotta
accentuate the positive
eliminate the negative
latch on the the affirmative
don't mess with mr in-between
no, don't mess with mr in between!
Posted by: ghost | June 21, 2024 at 03:31 PM
senor dad had an adventure today with an old friend, hiking up beacon rock, which has been on his bucket list since he was a kid! ;) they had to put it off last saturday due to rain, but today was absolutely perfect:
besides the cool pix he had the gopro on a headstrap under his hat the whole time, which took a gorgeous live video of the way up to the top! it's like our own personal oregon field guide episode, it's so cool!! :D
Posted by: ghost | June 22, 2024 at 04:29 PM