this is a flashback friday favorite post from august 2017, the day of the solar eclipse, so get your eclipse glasses ready Again! & click the links for more mysterious content ~
toxic remembers seeing the shadow back in socal in 1979 ~
warning! everything has a dark side ~
& so do i.. (i'm a ghost) ~
& i'm a prolific, often hypergraphic journaler ~
i've shared some of them here at the lost & found before ~
today i thought i'd share some goodies from my 'things behind the sun' journal/album ~
i also tend to be a doodler of mysterious cartoons ~
here i am admiring angus oblong's characters creepy susie & helga phugly ~
helga's revenge ~
the debbies ~
helga is adorable ~
she reminds me of our own little miss pickles ~
& creepy susie always reminds me of my old french orphan artist friend lyly (some of her art hangs in my stairwell gallery with my own..) ~
lenore & emily strange, alice & kitties ~
you may notice a few stickers here ~
once toxic was able to print her own stickers she went a bit overboard ~
stickers remain a compulsion for her ~
my journals are where i chart my migraines & auras (such fun!) ~
they're also where i indulge in my own toxic nostalgia ~
i think they're kind of unique ~
girl scout stuff (kinda..) ~
a warning if you click on the link & visit my journals, like my Other Blog, it gets dark there too.. ~
it rained here in portland yesterday, i think summer's over & we're in early halloween, just sayin' ~