it's free comic book day 2023! ~
so did you grab your free comic books yet? ~
here are our selections ;)~
we've been there for fcbd since the very first event (yes. nerds.) ~
from amazing comics & hidey-ho comics down in socal ~
to cosmic monkey, excalibur, books with pictures & things from another world here in portland ~
we never missed one until the covid years ~
so fun to snag these freebies ~
retro classics like archie & madballs vs garbage pail kids :D ~
something special this year is the runescape issue ~
raven is a lifelong veteran max level player since day 3 ~
here's his character ravenmoonx with newly acquired zaros godsword & twilight pegasus ;) ~
so i had to pull out one of my monster cereal boxes to store this year's haul in, my ghost closet holds a massive comicbook stash <3 ~
check the links in this post for fcbds & other related posts & pix from days gone by ~
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