on to playstation ~
most memorable at our house are the final fantasy games ~
kartia by atlus ~
remember these free demo discs from pizza hut? ~
more sampler discs ~
these were for baldur's gate & fable ~
baldur's gate on ps2 ~
i've posted before about the lord of the rings ps2 games here ~
drakan ~
wizardry tale of the forsaken land ~
old classics evergrace & eternal ring from agetec ~
star wars starfighter ~
some fun driving games ~
crazy taxi & simpsons road rage ~
one of my favorites ~
so let's go to the game gallery ~
included are:
final fantasy origins (ps1),
final fantasy tactics (ps1),
final fantasy V (from final fantasy anthology) (ps1),
final fantasy IX (ps1),
final fantasy X (ps2),
the city of lost children (ps1),
drakan (ps2),
lotr - fellowship of the ring (ps2),
lotr - two towers (ps2),
baldur's gate - dark alliance (ps2),
legion - legend of excalibur (ps2),
wizardry - tale of the forsaken land (ps2),
evergrace (ps2),
eternal ring (ps2),
heart of darkness (ps1),
john carpenter's the thing (ps2),
crazy taxi (ps2),
the simpsons/road rage (ps2),
star wars starfighter (ps2),
breath of fire III (ps1),
breath of fire IV (ps1)...
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