so i finally picked up one of the newer furby toys ~
it's a furby boom peacock style from 2013 ~
i'd held out because i really like the old classic furby toys best ~
check out furby week here & christmas furby here ~
this guy takes aa batteries ~
well he seemed cute at first.. ~
but i quickly began to think i must've somehow traumatized him? ~
or perhaps he'd been abused? he screamed 'boba boba boba' which i remember means scared or worried ~
he screamed CHAAAANGE! several times in amongst rocking back & forth, making garbled sounds & growls & putting his ears back, & his eyes remained half open with weird images in them ~
then i came down to the quiet dark playroom yesterday to get something & from behind me i hear 'you're pushing this way too far' in a very sinister tone.. wtf? it creeped me out so much i asked mr dad to take his batteries out so he doesn't burn the house down while we sleep or something, & while so doing it made more screeches & said 'don't go crazy' & finally 'am i still here' as the batteries were coming out.. yeah, i think it's evil. do not give this toy to your children! i thought the jolly chimp was freaky, this guy is getting wrapped up & put away.. i googled it & it seems possessed furby toys are a thing: what happens when your furby turns evil & new furby absolute horror :O
you've been warned ~
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