the toy story posts reminded me of my own mr potato head ~
which i purchased years ago in a shop just inside the gate at disney's california adventure park ~
nextdoor to disneyland ~
there you get to choose your own potatohead pieces ~
i went for iconic disney accessories like this mickey mouse watch ~
of course mad hatter tophat ~
& teacup ~
along with an ice-cream bar ~
you only get as many pieces as will fit into the closed box provided, so fill up mr potatohead first ~
box & bag ~
it seems like that toy store is gone now.. this may still be available at disney world? ~
other parts & pieces including autograph book ~
including mickey ears ~
mickey's sorcerer's apprentice hat, raccoon skin hat, red balloon etc ~
& videocamera since i always carried one with me around disneyland ~
disney mark ~
then of course there are toy story potatoheads too ~
make buzz & woody etc ~
ghost & toxic