kids of the 60's will remember village lip lickers tins ~
this is the only original style tin toxic has left from her jr high school days in the 70's ~
by the 80's you could only find them in this style instead ~
not as cool as the earlier ones ~
my favorite flavor of liplicker was always vanilla ~
after they were used up you could place them on a lamp or other warm surface & melt the rest of the lipbalm out of them so you could use the tiny tins to hold rings & earrings etc ~
some contemporary lip gloss tins with emily strange, strawberry shortcake, corpse bride & grump bear.. (hey, i'm wearing grump bear lair pjs right now as i type & have my usual raspberry bearclaw & decaf bfast..) ~
grump bear lair ~
here are some tiny vintage fizzies tins.. remember these? you'd put them in water to make a carbonated flavored drink ~
dr freud finger puppet & after therapy mints tin.. psychotically good.. lol ~
strawberry shortcake berry sweets tin ~
i always have tiny things that store nicely in tiny tins..
ghost & toxic
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