this is a more contemporary circus item, a coloring book i got at the circus maybe 10 years ago ~
it's a nice big oversized coloring book ~
the greatest show on earth ~
toxic went to the circus once ~
but going as an adult with my son i found was a completely different experience ~
the performing elephants & especially the tigers were just hard to watch.. as animal lovers we just could hardly bear it. they handed out brochures at the gate about how they care for elephants & all to reassure people i guess, but it just didn't work with me, you can tell the animals are not happy ~
& i'm not one of those people that is against having animals in zoos, i think when run properly & conscientiously they are wonderful places to help shape young animal lovers when they're kids ~
(bag) i just think at this point the idea of trained circus animals is archaic, we know better, & i wish the circus would simply rely on its human performers & get rid of its animal acts. i think people would appreciate the circus just as much, maybe even more that way, imho ~
this is a neat photo book about the circus ~