a ghost.. a real ghost.. has no need to die.. what is she except a being without access to the universe that she has not yet managed to forget? ~ randall jarrell
ghost pix album ~ rpg videogame screenshots, lol kitties & all kinds of goodies..
toxic was here album ~ vintage socal birthdays & halloweens, etc.. ~ copyright 2008 all rights reserved
ghost stories (blood & butterflies..)
these are excerpts from the book toxic & i wrote about our childhood... it's called 'brenda was here'.. let me know what you think/comments? p.s. stories here are non fiction/true. (privately hosted ~ if you're interested in reading this just ask:)
a cool special gaming post today ~ raven had the opportunity to try out the new elden ring nightreign network test :o ~ it has 4 classes & raven's favorite is the recluse shown above ~ his other favorite is the duchess, a fast bloodborne inspired class ~ also fun...
on this flashback friday valentine's day i'm remembering miss pickles & our sweet sabrina felina & the pittypats, all over the rainbow bridge now.. you are my heart!! this post is from 2013.. so yesterday we lost our sweet little miss pickles. she was 11 years old & died of...
for this wayback wednesday before valentine's day i'm thinking of my love of books :D ~ i've posted several times in the past about the friends of the library sales i've been to every spring & fall ~ waiting in line one crisp fall morning downtown ~ vintage kids section...
a very vintage selection today for flashback friday ~ chatterwell stories from 1889 ~ snow land ~ a birdseye view ~ tragic stories from a book toxic's great grandma might have read in her early childhood ~ the tea party ~ with kitties of course ~ day dreams ~ ted...
did you notice the royal frog in yesterday's alice in wonderland classic illustrated edition? ~ well here are a few more ~ in sticker form ~ i've always enjoyed frogs :) ~ bren
a cool classics illustrated version of alice in wonderland today ~ glossy pages ~ the gryphon ~ the white rabbit ~ happy caturday from the cheshire cat :) ~ the red queen ~ it was lewis carroll's birthday recently ~ what a curious dream ~ i also added this cool...
happy flashback friday! nelson doubleday also published these treasuries ~ they were very similar to the 'best in children's books' series ~ these books were always found in our family closet ~ vintage 50's issues ~ grimm's fairy tales ~ table of contents ~ again, look for these up at...
for this throwback thursday more best in children's books.. here's a vintage 1960 issue ~ a cat story 'the lovely time' ~ again if you remember these fondly like i do, you should check them out on internet archive :) ~ vintage kitties <3 ~ i've been a cat lady...
for this wayback wednesday an old xmas post now updated with related links! i have a nice classic library of vintage best in children's books in my toyroom ~ since we had some of these at home & remember them fondly ~ from the 50s, sometimes they are called jr...
i've been playing elder scrolls rpgs forever ~ so i had to have these classic stickers for my collection ~ check out my youtube channel for plenty of ESO videos, especially now during the pan tamriel celebration event! :D ~ bren-ghost
for this flashback friday an old post with one of my favorite gumby related vintage toys! so brace yourself for a lengthy post with lots of pictures! ~ when i saw this vintage 50's era tin marx kitchen set come up on ebay i was elated ~ first of all...
something different for this wayback wednesday ~ a long post while i sit here trying to keep warm on this cold morning ~ so i've posted about how i started my gumbyland website over 20 years ago now ~ well i also began putting up my artwork up at my...
happy flashback friday! here's an old favorite post.. so what's in the bag?! ~ hey look! it's my new custom made 100% cotton radiohead designed t-shirts from tee public :D ~ how did it take me so long to discover this cool company that employs indie artists to make custom...
ghost gamelinks..
ghost's top eleven rpg's:
#1 ~ down the rabbit hole...
"here's a riddle.. when is a croquet mallet like a billy club? ..i'll tell you... whenever you want it to be..."
cheshire cat to alice
(american mcgee's alice: the original)
this game is my favorite above all others...
thank you thank you mr mcgee for alice madness returns!!! (with the original i still rate these the best!)
#2 is primal, especially the wraith world where i felt right at home.. what a relief to play a strong female for a change, and with scree the gargoyle at my side... loved this game and want more!!!
#3 is fable/fable:lost chapters/fable 2.. get lost in this incredible world and determine your own fate... good or evil.. or somewhere in between...
fable 3 is out!!!
#4 city of lost children.. based on the french movie of the same name.. you are miette, an orphan, use your thieving and sneaking skills to free the childrens' souls from the evil inventor who is stealing their dreams...
tied at #4 the kingdom hearts games (2).. disney meets final fantasy! play in disney worlds alongside jack skellington in halloweentown, jack sparrow in the caribbean or alice at the mad tea party..
#5 is van helsing.. if you liked the movie, play this gothic masterpiece and face werewolves, the frankenstein monster, mr hyde and count dracula himself...
#6 are all of the lord of the rings games, which are all worth mastering, including the hobbit game.. (watch out for the spiders!) & the old classic snes lord of the rings.. (another good old favorite.. i spent forever lost in the barrow downs...)
#7 are all the ultima games.. my favorites were 'quest of the avatar' and 'the false prophet'.. but if you like the classics try out 'black gate' and 'exodus' and the other oldies..
#8 is the original nes game shadowgate.. the one that turned me into an rpg junkie in the first place all those years ago.. hunched over my controller in the dark in my camper in the middle of the night.. still a classic...
#9 is final fantasy, but i'm an old time gamer, so i mean the original final fantasy games on nes/snes like 1, 2, 3 + mystic quest.. still the best even without the graphics of the newer games...
#10 is lemony snickett's series of unfortunate events.. ok, so this game is not terribly hard.. (i was able to complete it even while fairly intoxicated..) it is still creative and fun if you enjoyed the movie, which i did...
i needed a #11 on my list for all the honorable mentions.. unforgettable games like wizardry, king arthur's world, tombs & treasures, deja vu, faxanadu, the immortal, breath of fire and the dragon warrior games.. also baldur's gate, the ren & stimpy games that wrecked my nerves, zombies ate my neighbors, fester's quest, maniac mansion!!! ...gasp... too many to remember... aargghh! all those years spent in the dark deep in some labyrinth scribbling cryptic notes and maps.. is that what is was that made me mad? or did they save me from madness...? the world may never know..
(p.s. i never made it without biting..)
!X! a bonus: i absolutely approve of the gamecube's eternal darkness: sanity's requiem.. lovecraftian & hallucinogenic.. i dare you!
the post-apocalyptic fallout games, F3, new vegas & F4 coming soon!
i highly approve of the other from software games besides bloodborne, demon's souls & dark souls 1, 2 & 3.. not for the faint of heart, gotta get good for these!
deliciously classic or wonderfully gross, these vintage recipes for kids from the golden magazine for boys & girls or jack & jill magazine are fun even if they don't make it to your table..
~ copyright 2012 all rights reserved
some fun treats today from our pantry ~
i bought these shopkins fruit snacks because the toys are really cute ~
but i have to say i was disappointed, don't they just look like wadded up amorphous gummy bears? ~
these have been...
for book lover's day this flashback friday favorite post from the lost & found's first summer ~
toxic wanted to be a girl scout, but her mom said no. but when she found this vintage 1951 manual she figured she could read up & be a s...
the golden book of crafts & hobbies ~
from 1957 ~
for the record i don't agree with killing butterflies or beetles ~
let's make leaf prints ~
i remember building & painting birdhouses with my son & mr dad once, we still hav...
the daring book for girls ~
think the golden magazine meets girl scout handbook ~
toxic probably would've had this book with her at all times ~
essential girl gear ~
everything from the periodic table to bowling tips ~
my photo albums (sound up!)
the lost album - click to visit my current photo album (sound up)
visit gumby's childhood home.. Note: if the audio doesn't play for you on these albums please go directly to my gumbyland & gallery website, where the audio plays perfectly on laptops & pcs :)
our mini houses (sound up)
our nature trails (sound up)
baker's tour painting by bren..
gumby trapped on the moon..
gumby rain spirits by bren..
the snowman by bren..
blue star drive-in (toxic toys)
blackbird's outpost dollscape..
halloween dolly freakshow
floorsleeper/blue house dollscape..
girls kick ass
lilac house..
raven's rest house..
charlotte house..
sunset house
innsmouth house
caution! zombarbies!
box of bees installation..
patchwork playhouse..
xyz dollscape
annie's saturday house..
hiding places installation..
autumn butterfly installation..
doll medicine dollscape (warning graphic content)
monkey lab installation
toxic dollies dollscape
never open your eyes dollscape (warning graphic content)
collidescope dollscape (warning graphic content)
migraine dolls sickroom dollscape
the haunted forest installation
pandora installation
lost hollow digital art album (warning graphic content)
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